So the 12-hour ad-lib feeding trial actually ended up being more like 36 hours, but Cayden never did wake up often enough or eat enough to meet the minimum requirements for them to continue, so he's back on a 3/6/9/12 feeding schedule. They put the NG tube back in last night around 9 and also increased his feed amount to 57 ccs. He lost another 32 grams (a little more than an ounce) on Saturday night but managed to gain back 20 on Sunday night.
Although he wasn't taking in enough milk during the ad-lib trial period, he did seem to be resting much more comfortably without any desatting or visibly painful episodes of reflux when I visited him on Sunday. It's such a see-saw, back-and-forth, give-and-take, trial-and-error, frustrating thing: he's not getting enough to grow, but he's not having as much painful reflux anymore. Which evil do you choose? For now, they're choosing to let him deal with the reflux, but he's having another nippling evaluation as we speak, so maybe that will give them an idea of something to change to help him feel better.
1 comment:
Sorry about the ng tube having to go back in! :'(
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