I can't believe it's been a week since we brought Cayden home. It's all a blur. I don't know day from night, up from down, Monday from Friday. It's like there's no end to a day, just the same cycle over and over.
I know many of you have been hoping for more frequent updates on how we're doing, but I just can't find much time to type anymore. I used to type while pumping. Today, I took my multi-tasking to a new level: I bottle fed, burped, then held Cayden upright while pumping. There just isn't enough time to do it all unless I find new ways to contort my body and do three things at once.
Jason was out of town for 16 hours today and I managed to get through the day on my own. Jamison had daycare for half of that time so that helped, but during the time I had both boys at home, it was pretty hectic. I actually laughed out loud at one point: I was thinking about how I miss going to the gym and working out, but then realized my heart rate was in the fat-burning zone for several hours throughout the day (racing up and down stairs in our 5-story house will do that to you). And I get plenty of weight lifting reps from heaving Jamison up and down the stairs, in and out of his crib, off and on the changing table. I'm even getting some pilates-type isometric exercises in. Try holding a 7+ pound baby up in the air in front of you for 20 minutes with one arm while holding a bottle steady in his mouth with the other arm without anything to rest on. Or try holding your knees together, legs bent, while resting your toes on an ottoman and supporting that 7+ pound baby on your thighs to keep him upright. Build core strength and dexterity by reaching for a sippy cup on the floor with your foot, then balance on your tailbone while picking it up between your two feet, lifting your feet and the cup vertically in front of you and dropping it on the tray of the high chair your toddler is sitting in while your arms are occupied holding and bottle feeding the baby. I kid you not. These are just a few of the things I did today!
As for Cayden, he seems to be doing o.k. Maybe going through a growth spurt? Yesterday he drank over three ounces more than he's ever consumed in one day. He was hungry every 1.5-2 hours and ate 11 times over the course of 24 hours. Today was a bit more stable but he's still a hungry little man! In fact, he's waking up right now and that means I must sign off for now.
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