Tiny hand

Tiny hand
November 20, 2010 (one day old)

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, May 16, 2011

Healing well

I guess it's good that I don't have a lot to say here lately.  Cayden has been healing well since his surgery.  I can't believe it was a week ago!  The days just fly by, especially when Jason is gone.  As for Cayden, he seems to be back up to full speed as far as eating and sleeping.  He still has steri-strips over the incision sites for his hernia repairs, but those should come off on their own in the next week or so.  The edges are already starting to peel up.  His circumcision is healing nicely as well.  Through all of this, he never seemed to have very much pain, which I am eternally grateful for!

We've had him off of his oxygen during the day since he's been home and only hook him up at night.  We will be getting the pulse-ox machine on Wednesday to do the overnight room air challenge on Wednesday night.  The oxygen company will come back the next day to pick up the machine and download the data collected from the study to send to our pediatrician, then she'll notify us of the final results.

Other than that, we've just been trying to keep Cayden healthy, which has been a logistical challenge seeing as how Jamison is sick yet again.  So far, Cayden has been o.k. although he seems to be a little snuffley lately.  I think it's just another episode of reflux, though.

Cayden smiling at his big brother
Big happy face!


TheAutoMomma said...

It makes me feel so happy to see how well he's doing! He, and your whole family, remain in my thoughts and prayers! I sure hope we can get together one of these days when things calm down a little! :)

Scott Pantall said...

That is a great brother picture! I'm glad things are going good.

Unknown said...

What were the results of the night-time room air test?