Tiny hand

Tiny hand
November 20, 2010 (one day old)

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, August 12, 2011

9 month check up

Wow.  It gets longer and longer between updates here, but I think that's a good thing!  There hasn't been much in the way of preemie news to report, and I think we're finally starting to blend onto the path where "normal" baby developments are the only new and exciting things to report!

We took Cayden to his 9 month well child exam yesterday.  He was just hamming it up and seemed so happy to see Dr. Rosenberg, smiling and kicking the whole time.  His weight was 14 lbs. 15.9 oz.  If that's not close enough to call 15 pounds, I don't know what is!  The respiratory therapist had a hard time getting a good pulse-ox reading on him because he was wiggling his toes so much.  It was kind of cute.  The doc was happy with his progress and we don't have any concerns for now, so he got a clean bill of health with orders to come back in two months for another weight check.  No shots this time, so we all slept good last night!

We're going to do one more overnight room air challenge late next week just to see how the readings come out, but Cayden hasn't been on oxygen at all during the day for several weeks, and only occasionally at night.  We were supposed to keep him on at night until the appointment yesterday, but he either pulls it off on his own while he's sleeping, or he wakes up with the cord wrapped around him three times and we get scared he's going to choke himself, so we stop putting it on for a couple days.  He did have a bit of a minor cold or something the past two weeks, so we tried to keep him on it at night, but it was kind of hit and miss.  He is always rolling over to sleep on his tummy - "scrunch butt", as we call it - and he just does not like that thing in his nose anymore!

I think he's finally gotten over his tongue-thrust reflex and figured out that eating food off a spoon is fun.  He's been really excited to eat his oatmeal cereal once a day, and I'm going to start introducing new foods very soon (as soon as I can get to the store to buy the fresh, organic fruits and veggies I want so I can cut, steam, puree, and freeze them up for him.)  Given how much he's been digging cereal, I think he's going to enjoy eating more solid foods.

A couple weekends ago, we went to the University of Colorado NICU's Preemie Picnic.  It was a grand 1950's-themed affair with a train ride, jumping castle, slides, a DJ, face painting, BBQ, cotton candy, snow cones, root beer floats, hula hoop and bubble-gum blowing contests.  The best part was getting to see some of our favorite nurses again and to show them how well Cayden is doing.  Here are a few pictures . . .

With Nurse Megan

And Nurse Carrie

And Nurse Kathy

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