Well, Jason finally came home last night (Tuesday) and I went back to work today (Wednesday), although I didn't get much actual work accomplished. The only way I can figure out how to get my twenty hours in each week is to work four days a week, five hours each day. That should leave me just shy of two hours to spend at the NICU on the days Jason is out of town and while Jamison is at daycare. It all sounds good in theory, but whether or not it will actually work remains to be seen - I was absolutely zombified after getting about four hours of sleep between milk pumping sessions the night before. All this milk pumping is a full-time job by itself!
The good news is that I was able to take a nice nap with Cayden once I got to the NICU. There is a recliner in his room and I've figured out how to pimp it out with pillows, kick up the footrest, then recline at just the right angle so it's a nappers dream (pun intended.) Once the nurse puts the warm blanket over top of him, it's all over but the snoring. We kangarood for over two hours and it was the best session yet - Cayden was laying more diagonally across my chest, giving me a better view of his face and giving him a nice soft place to rest his head and snuggle up. He slept so soundly, and his monitors hardly chirped the whole time.
In other news, they've changed his feeding schedule to less often, which means he can get more milk at one time, which means they disturb him less often, which means he can get longer periods to sleep, which means he should grow even better! Instead of being fed every two hours, as of this afternoon, they'll feed him 25 ccs every three hours. Incidentally, his weight is now up to 2 pounds, 12 ounces. He also got a sponge bath today, and I finally got a set of footprints from him. I wish we could have gotten his footprints when he was first born because I imagine they were even smaller, but with the PIC line he had in his foot, they couldn't do them.
1 comment:
Sounds like he is doing awesome. It's good to hear he is doing so well. Take Care.
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