Tiny hand

Tiny hand
November 20, 2010 (one day old)

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A late-night visit to the NICU

Well, I don't know if it helped or made me feel worse, but I just got back from visiting Cayden.  Again, the good news is that he is stable and tolerating all of the treatment they've given him.  It's just so hard to see him with even more tubes and wires and know he was poked and prodded even more today, all when he's not feeling well to begin with.

Ironically, now that he's intubated and doesn't have the CPAP mask on, I can see his face better.  But everything else seems to be covered up and/or bandaged - he's got a new IV in his hand, one is his scalp, and an arterial line in place. 

While I was there, I spoke with the doctor and nurse and they were encouraged that he's been responding well to everything they've done so far and looks much better than he did earlier today.  They reminded me that setbacks like this happen, that preemies are especially prone to infections, and that unfortunately, this may not be the last time he fights an infection while he's in the NICU.

The preliminary lab results for the blood cultures won't be back until tomorrow, but the lumbar puncture showed no evidence of meningitis.  They're treating him with antibiotics and giving him blood components to help replace what they've taken out with all of the blood draws.

With all he's been through today, I couldn't hold him, but I did get to rest my hand on his back and touch him.  Despite everything, he looks like he's comfortable and getting some much needed rest.


Unknown said...

Hang in there Christa and Jason, he needs your strength. we're still praying for you. I told my sister Barb about you, and she's praying for you too! much love to you all, Dawn

Unknown said...

I am glad you went to visit!