I went to see Cayden yesterday despite still being sick. I took a couple Advil and I think they masked my symptoms enough to make me think I felt well enough to go. But the Advil did nothing compared to getting to see and hold my little man. That is truly the best medicine. I know it was selfish to go, but I was very careful about donning a mask and scrubbing my hands and arms all the way up to my elbows.
When I arrived at 3:00, he was pretty zonked out - he had a bath just a couple hours earlier and I think it wiped him out. He showed no interest whatsoever in breast feeding, so the nurse hooked him up with a gavage feeding while I kangarood with him. We tried again at his 6:00 cares and although he was more awake and alert this time, he only latched and sucked for maybe 5 minutes. Nonetheless, the scale said he got 8 mls, so it was worth the effort.
As of Saturday, they increased the amount of his feeds again. Now he's up to 44 ccs of 26 calorie-fortified breast milk. I think all of these increases are starting to pay off - he weighed in last night at 5 pounds 1 ounce!
I don't think I'm going to go in to visit him today. I'm back to feeling pretty cruddy and with Jason leaving town again early tomorrow morning, I think it'll be best for everyone if I stay home and try to conserve what little energy I have for the week ahead. It makes me so sad to think about missing him for just one day, but hopefully I can see him on Monday.
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