Tiny hand

Tiny hand
November 20, 2010 (one day old)

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Early intervention

Yesterday afternoon, Jason and I met with a social worker from the state of Colorado that designs early intervention plans of action for preemies.  Cayden will have access to physical, speech, and occupational therapy as well as other services he may need to help him develop to his full potential in the first few years.  All of these services are at no cost to families, which I think is absolutely amazing.  We will be assigned a case worker who will evaluate him then develop an IFSP (individualized family service plan) to meet his needs.  Once he's home, and for the next three years, therapists will come to our house to provide whatever services they decide he needs. 

I just cannot believe the support that is out there for parents of preemies.  We've been so grateful for the support and love from family, friends, and our employers, but now we have the government to be thankful for too!  And what's even more amazing is that we didn't have to lift a finger to find out about these services - they made contact with us at the hospital and aside from filling out a little (o.k., a LOT of) paperwork, the process has been so simple. 

After meeting with the social worker, Jason and I tag-teamed on physical therapy with Cayden, taking turns doing the exercises with him. 

Arm reflex exercise

Hand swaddle exercise
He got a pretty good workout, and I think it showed when it came time to try dry-breasting afterwards:  he just looked pooped and didn't latch on this time.  I was disappointed because I wanted Jason to see the miracle of him latching on, but given the circumstances, no one was too surprised.  So we didn't push the issue and moved on to kangaroo care.  He snuggled up right away and slept for two solid hours!

Cayden gained two whole ounces at his weigh-in last night, so he is up to 3 lbs. 11 oz.  Woo hoo!

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