Tiny hand

Tiny hand
November 20, 2010 (one day old)

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A setback

I'm feeling hysterical inside but I will try to convey what we just heard from the doctor and nurse . . .

I guess I should start with what I'm trying to keep in the front of my mind:  he is stable and looks much better than he did earlier in the day.

Sometime around 9 this morning, they noticed that Cayden was "desatting", or having drops in his oxygenation.  He's had these off and on since birth, but something about these episodes made them think something else may be wrong.  They're concerned he's acquired some type of infection.  They've intubated him, which means he is on a ventilator that is doing the breathing for him, taken a chest x-ray (which looked normal), and drawn a lot of labs to determine what may be wrong.  They've started him on antibiotics and discontinued giving him breast milk. 

Will post updates as we get them.

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